Art as a Form of Therapy

 Therapy can come in many forms,
and for me that therapy comes from working with my hands.

Sometimes I work with fibre, spinning a piece of art from a heap of fleece which at a glance looks like nothing, feeling the texture slip through my fingers as the repetitive treadling and spinning of the wheel lulls you in a form of meditation.

At other times the therapy takes the form of crocheting, taking a beautiful hank of yarn and turning it into an item which can then be seen in all it's beauty, no longer the ball or hank stashed away in a cupboard.

A cake baked a therapy twice over, the creating and the eating.

 My current therapy choice is working with wires and stone, crystals and shells, keeping both my hands and my mind busy whilst we nurse our Poppy cat back to health.

Just over a week ago we thought her card was up and she spent several days in the vets, trying to get enough fluids in her as her kidneys are in a bad way. But she seems to have pulled on a reserve 10th life and is steadily making progress.

So I raise my cup of tea in a toast to vets, the many lives of cats,
and Art as a form of therapy.

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